PR and Communications Program Faculty

Robert Engle


Robert Engle is an expert in public relations, political communication, and lobbying and works as a lecturer at the Graduate School of Political Management.

Yanique Griffin-Woodall


Proven multi-disciplined strategic business leader with 25+ years experience working with global and domestic brands to develop IMC programs.

Megan Kindelan

Professorial Lecturer

Megan Kindelan works as a professorial lecturer in the Political Management and Strategic Public Communications programs at GSPM.

Marie Lerch


Marie Lerch is an expert in strategic communications and works as a lecturer in the Public Relations program at the College of Professional Studies.

Lesley Lopez

Program Director, Public Relations and Communications; Assistant Professor

Lesley Lopez is the program director of the Public Relations and Communications master's degree program.

Kathleen Moore


Kathleen Moore is an expert in Internal/External/Executive Communications and works as a lecturer in the Strategic Public Relations Program.

Dr. Janis Teruggi Page

Professorial Lecturer

Janis Teruggi Page is an expert in strategic communication and works as a professorial lecturer at the Graduate School of Political Management.

Lawrence J. Parnell

Associate Professor and Strategic Public Relations Program Director

Larry Parnell is the director of the award-winning Strategic Public Relations program at The Graduate School of Political Management.

Aaron Pickering


Aaron Pickering is a Director in the Corporate Communications practice at Cone Communications, an Omnicomm agency.

Karen Vahouny


Principal and owner of "Karen Vahouny Consulting," she has extensive leadership experience on both the corporate and agency side.