PR & Communications Program Curriculum

You can earn your Master of Professional Studies in the Field of Public Relations and Communications in just 30 credits, which can be completed in as little as 18 months, including a two-semester, hands-on capstone project.

This program caters to current and aspiring public relations and communications professionals, offering a comprehensive curriculum aimed at developing strategic communicators adept at shaping narratives, building relationships and credibility, and responding to contemporary and emerging challenges.


The following requirements must be fulfilled: 30 credits, including 13 credits in core courses, 2 to 5 credits in professional skills courses, and at least 12 credits in courses taken in one concentration.

Core courses
PSPR 6201Strategic Public Relations: Principles and Ethical Practice
PSPR 6204Media Relations in a Digital World
PSPR 6205Fundamentals of Business and Finance in Public Relations
PSPR 6299Capstone Research Project Proposal
PSPR 6300Capstone Research Project
Professional skills courses
2 to 5 credits in 1-credit professional skills courses selected from the following in consultation with the program director:
PSPR 6212Risk/Issues Management and Crisis Communications
PSPR 6213Communications Research Methods
PSPR 6214Social Analytics and Digital Media
PSPR 6215Public Speaking and Presentations
PSPR 6216Writing for Public Relations Professionals
Concentration requirement
At least 12 credits in one of the following concentrations:
Corporate communications concentration
PMGT 6420Corporate Public Affairs
PSPR 6207Sustainability and Social Responsibility Communications
PSPR 6210Special Topics in Public Relations
PSPR 6229Corporate Communications
PSPR 6224Global Public Relations Strategy and Practice
Government communications and public affairs concentration
PMGT 6402Applied Political Communications
PMGT 6420Corporate Public Affairs
PSPR 6210Special Topics in Public Relations
PSPR 6220Social Issues and Public Policy
PSPR 6228Communicating for Social Change
Nonprofit communications concentration
PMGT 6410Grassroots Engagement
PSPR 6207Sustainability and Social Responsibility Communications
PSPR 6210Special Topics in Public Relations
PSPR 6224Global Public Relations Strategy and Practice
PSPR 6225Nonprofit and Association Communication Strategies
PSPR 6228Communicating for Social Change