Legislative Affairs Program Curriculum

Earn your Master of Professional Studies in Legislative Affairs with just 33 credits (11 courses), including a capstone project that demonstrates your expertise. The core curriculum provides a deep understanding of the legislative process, policy analysis, and advocacy, equipping you with the skills to navigate and influence the policymaking landscape.



LGAF 6201Politics and Public Policy
LGAF 6202Legislative Politics
LGAF 6203Executive–Legislative Relations
LGAF 6205Legislative Data and Analytics
LGAF 6298Capstone in Legislative Affairs
LGAF 6298 should be taken in a student's penultimate or final term.
Six courses from the following:
LGAF 6212Congressional Committees
LGAF 6217Budgetary Politics
LGAF 6219American Presidency
LGAF 6220Congress and the Courts
LGAF 6221Executive Branch Decision Making
LGAF 6222Parties and Elections
LGAF 6223Public Opinion and Political Socialization
LGAF 6224Interest Group Politics
LGAF 6228Media and Congressional Politics
LGAF 6233Comparative Legislatures
LGAF 6234PACs and Congress
LGAF 6235Ethics and Congress
LGAF 6240Special Topics in Legislative Affairs
LGAF 6241Legislative Writing and Research
LGAF 6242Legislative Drafting
LGAF 6243Advanced Legislative Procedure
LGAF 6244Running for and Representing in the U.S. Congress
LGAF 6246Congress and Foreign Policy
LGAF 6247Managing a Congressional Office
LGAF 6248Religion and Politics
LGAF 6249Congress and National Security Policy
LGAF 6251Budgetary Policy
LGAF 6260Special Topics: Domestic Policy
LGAF 6261Congress and Defense Policy
LGAF 6262Congress and Intelligence Policy
LGAF 6263Congress and Cybersecurity Policy
LGAF 6264U.S. Energy and Environmental Policy
LGAF 6266Congress and Trade Policy
LGAF 6267Congress and Healthcare Policy
LGAF 6270Special Topics: Congress and Foreign Policy
LGAF 6271Race and Ethnicity in American Politics
LGAF 6272Congressional and Political Reforms
LGAF 6273Congressional Oversight
LGAF 6281Congress and Federalism
LGAF 6290Independent Study