Quardricos Driskell

Quardricos Bernard Driskell is a pastor, policy expert, educator, and federal lobbyist.
Mr. Driskell’s credits include a significant role in the passage of the Veterans’ Prostate Cancer Treatment and Research Act of 2022. Signed into law by President Joe Biden, this critical regulation created a comprehensive prostate cancer care program within the Veterans Health Administration.
Mr. Driskell is the director of government relations for The Academy Advisors. The Academy Advisors is a private cooperative membership offered by The Health Management Academy that brings together 20-30 of the largest domestic integrated health systems to drive high-impact healthcare policy and reform. In this role, he advises C-Suite hospital systems executives on federal policy initiatives and strategy. He was thrice awarded “Top Lobbyist” by the National Institute for Lobbying & Ethics (NILE) and recognized as The Hill’s Top Lobbyist of 2022 and 2023 for his work on the Veterans Prostate Cancer legislation as well as drafting congressional report language calling for the establishment of an Office of Autoimmune Disease Research (OADR) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is another legislative credit of Professor Driskell, which President Biden signed into the 2022 appropriations omnibus bill. In addition, he has been bestowed numerous other citations in politics, public policy, and advocacy.
Mr. Driskell, affectionately called “Reverend Professor” by his students, is also an lecturer in the Legislative Affairs Program at The George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management. He lectures on the politics of human sexuality, race, and religion.
Mr. Driskell’s is widely published. His essays have been published in the Harvard Divinity Bulletin and other noteworthy publications. In addition, he is a political columnist for the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church’s newspaper The Christian Recorder and an opinion contributor for the Washington D.C. top political news site, The Hill. His work and insights have been featured in several national and international news outlets, including the New York Times, Religion&Politics, Voice of America, NBC News, MSNBC, Religion News Service, the BBC, and Showtime’s Documentary, “The Fourth Estate.”
Mr. Driskell continues the tradition of service as the fourteenth pastor of the historic Beulah Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia. Before leading the congregation of Beulah Baptist, he was the assistant pastor at the historic West Hunter Street Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition, he was assistant director of The Memorial Church School, Harvard University, under the tutelage of the late Reverend Professor Peter Gomes.
Mr. Driskell is an outspoken advocate for religious liberty, freedom, and human rights and a passionate, supportive voice for marginalized peoples. Because of his efforts, he was inducted into the 35th annual Martin Luther King Jr. College of Ministers and Laity at Morehouse College. The Board of Preachers honors clergy of multiple Christian and global religious traditions who exemplify a combination of personal piety, religious civility, keen intellect, and a commitment to faith, bearing witness to various forms of social justice, equality, and human rights. His devotion to these social issues imbues his writings, media interviews, speaking engagements, and sermons.
Mr. Driskell graduated from Morehouse College, Harvard University, and The George Washington University.
- B.A., Morehouse College, Political Science and Leadership Studies
- M.T.S., Harvard University, Theological Ethics (Social Ethics)
- M.P.S., The George Washington University, Legislative Affairs
- Political culture wars
- Religion and Politics
- Race and Politics
- Congressional Politics
- Policymaking
- Lobbying
- "The Black Church, Public Policy, and the Challenge of Health Equity." In R. Smith, S. Boddie, & B. English (Eds.), Racialized Health, COVID-19, and Religious Responses (Routledge, 2022)