Fabio Capano

Fabio Capano

Fabio Capano

Visiting Scholar Practitioner


Fabio Capano is a scholar of twentieth-century Europe with a strong interest in international relations and European affairs. His research interests span several areas, including nationalism, political violence, modern Italy, memory studies, and Cold War borderlands. Working within the broader field of political history, he also explores current phenomena such as right-wing political extremism and the rise of populist movements in twentieth-century Europe, especially the Mediterranean region.

Over the years Fabio has taught at different institutions within the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, including American University and George Washington University. He published a variety of peer-reviewed articles and chapters in edited volumes in European history. Recently, Fabio signed a book contract with Peter Lang and is working on his manuscript, “Cold War Trieste: Nationalism, Localism, and “Italianità” in a Contested Borderland at the Terminus of the Iron Curtain,” with publication planned for January 2025.

  • Ph.D. in History, 2014 West Virginia University

  • M.A. in Public Policy, 2010 West Virginia University

  • M.A. in International Relations, 2007 School of European and International Studies, University of Trento (Italy)

  • B.A. in Sociology, 2004 University of Trento (Italy)

  • Nationalism and political violence
  • Modern Italy
  • Twentieth-century Europe
  • Cold War borderlands